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Lorem ipsum dolor enim non justo posuere placerat eget purus vel mauris tincidunt tincidunt et nibhbus facilisi shendrerit enim non justo posuere placerat eget purus vel mauris.

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Fusce volutpat diam sapien, non consectetu aliquam ornare sapien, a suscipit nisi.

Aliquam ornare sapien, a suscipit nisi convallis veltiam gravida felis nec. Vivamus aliquam ornare sapie nec. Fusce molestie adipiscin ornare sapien risus.

Vivamus aliquam ornare sapien, a suscipit nisi convascevolutpat diam sapien, non consectetu aliquam ornare sapien molestie semsit sednisinon consectetu aliquam ornare.

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Versus Exterior/Interior Wood Varnish Matt

Printable PDF: Versus Interior Exterior Varnish Gloss VWVG  PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: A general purpose interior/exterior solvent based varnish for all wood surfaces.    USES: For use on new and previously varnished interior or exterior wood surfaces.   FEATURES: Excellent water resistance. Excellent exterior durability and very UV resistance. Durable wood varnish for all surfaces.   PRODUCT…


Versus Exterior/Interior Wood Varnish Gloss

Printable PDF: Versus Interior Exterior Varnish Gloss VWVM  PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: A general purpose interior/exterior solvent based varnish for all wood surfaces.    USES: For use on new and previously varnished interior or exterior wood surfaces.    FEATURES: Excellent water resistance. Excellent exterior durability and very UV resistance. Durable wood varnish for all surfaces.    PRODUCT…


Versus Reactiv Degreaser 

Data Sheet no 40-2015 Printable PDF: Versus Reactiv Degreaser  PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: A professional strength water based degreaser.    USES: Recommended for cleaning braai and oven grills, driveway oil spills, car engines, greasy tiles, bathrooms and hard surfaces.    PRODUCT INFORMATION: Type: Sodium Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonate 2 – Propanol Alcohol. Appearance: Paste. Colors: Pink.    APPLICATION…


Versus Ultra Matt

Printable PDF : Versus Ultra Matt VUM  PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: A high performance, Ultra Matt superior quality acrylic emulsion for interior and exterior high traffic areas. Meets the requirements of SABS 1586 Grade 1.    USES: Final coats to interior and exterior sound plaster, hardboard and fiber cement. Application to correctly primed metal and wood surfaces.…


Versus Matt Enamel

Printable PDF: Versus Matt Enamel VME  PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: A high quality enamel for use on various surfaces both internally and externally.   USES: Ideal for use on suitably primed interior plastered walls, wood and metal surfaces.   PRODUCT INFORMATION: Type: Long oil Alkid DFT/Coat: MIN 20UM. Max 30UM Colours: Available in white, Pastel, Medium and Dark Tones…


Versus Monte Carlo     

Data Sheet no 2019  PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:   A fine matt textured paint with glass beads which provides high cover and is very flexible for interior and exterior use.    USES: For application as a finishing coat for exterior new or previously painted cement plaster, concrete and fiber cement. Particularly recommended to obliterate hairline cracks in…
