Data Sheet no 8-2016
Eco – bebe baby paint is an eco – friendly paint that is suitable for your nursery ,cots & baby toys.
- These baby safe paints are non – toxic and low V.O.C.
- .They can be used to create a delicate,non harmful finish to your babies environment.
- Water based: Low odour and easy cleaning.
- Highly durable.
- Quick drying.
- Excellent wear resistance properties.
- Washable: Meets the requirements of the SABS and ASTMS scrubs resistant test methods.
- Mar and scratch resistant.
- Good color stability.
- Non Yellowing: Unlike alkyd based paints whites and colors will not yellow.
- Water and steam resistant.
- Excellent resistance to spatter.
- Excellent adhesion, good flow and excellent opacity.
- If correctly applied to a properly prepared substrate the product has a life expectancy of 7-10 years, possibly longer.
- Very low levels of VOC. 16g/Lt.
- Type: Pure Acrylic.
- Appearance: Sheen.
- Colors: Available in a range of popular ready mixed colors.
- Solids: 50% – 52% volume.
- Density: 1.2 – 1.4.
- Viscosity at 25ºC: 95 – 100 Krebs µ.
- Flash Point: Non-flammable.
- Mixing: Stir well before use.
- Method: Short nap roller, brush or airless spray.
- Thinning: Not recommended. Thinning reduces the opacity. For spraying you can thin up to 10% with clean water.
- Clean up: Tap water
- Spreading rate: 8-10 m ²/l depending on surface porosity and profile.
- Conditions: Avoid painting in wet or cold weather. Minimum temp 8º C
- Drying time: Touch dry ½ – 1 hour. Hard dry 3 hours at 25 degrees.
- Recoating time: 4-6 hours.
- Requirements: 2 coats.
New Surfaces must be sound, clean and dry before painting.
- Concrete and cement should be filled with Versus Versafill.
- Gypsum Plaster should be primed with Versus Water Plaster Primer.
- Wooden surfaces should be primed with Versus Water Based Pink Wood primer.
Previously Painted Surfaces must be sound, clean and dry before painting.
After all surfaces are sound, clean and dry apply one coat of Eco – bebe
- Keep containers properly sealed.
- Store away from direct heat, sun and severe cold.
- 5 litres and 20 litres
- Detailed safety information: refers to the material safety data sheet for this product.
- Drying times will be extended during wet or cold weather conditions.
- Do not apply direct to chalky or friable surfaces.
- Do not apply before 9.00am and after 4 pm in winter.
- Do not apply direct to chalky or friable surfaces.